KBN awarded SSA Bond Deal of the year

07 December 2018

KBNs first ever Green bond issuance in the Australian dollar market was a solid success. This week KBN was awarded the SSA Kangaroo Bond Deal of the Year by KangaNews.

Head of Funding & IR at KBN, Thomas Møller, was pleasantly surprised to get the news:

- We knew we had executed a successful transaction, but were pleasantly surprised to learn that it had been ranked the 2018 best SSA (Supra, Sovereign Agency) transaction in the Australian market by investors, intermediaries and peers. We have been committed to the Kangaroo market for almost 20 years with very good results for our plain senior bonds issuance. The success of our first Kangaroo Green Bond confirms the rapidly growing investor focus on green investments globally, says Møller.

James Taunton of RBC Capital Markets, joint lead manager with TD Securities, also points to KBN’s funding team’s consistent effort over time as a success factor:

- It’s great to see the consistent investor work over the years and the dynamic approach from the funding team being rewarded with the most prestigious award in this market. Winning the SSA deal of the year, across all formats, highlights how successful leveraging markets such as A$ to access Green funding has become, with KBN pioneering this approach.

The award will be presented at the KangaNews Awards Gala in March 2019

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